Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reflective essay

Being in Technology for educators, I had the opportunity to learn a lot and meet some great people. Everything that we did in class was new to me. I was able to learn about using technology inside and outside of the classroom.

I learned about what discussion topics were and was given the opportunity to do some for assignments. It gave me the ability to discuss a specific topic with my classmates and receive feedback as well. I liked doing the discussion topics because I was learning more as I was doing research and sharing it with others. This would be good for sharing information with other teachers or educators on whatever the topic is.

Digital blogs was a useful technology that I learned about this year. In the beginning I found digital badges to be difficult and boring. But, as I got used to doing them, they became easier and fun to do. Digital badges helped me to expand my knowledge on a concept and explain how it relates to technology. In education, teachers could use digital blogs to share information with other teachers and get ideas from one another.

After learning about rubrics and how to create them, I was confident about doing my own. Doing the website evaluation rubric was a fun, educational assignment. I was able to create my own rubric and evaluate an educational website. Doing this assignment showed me that I knew how to create rubrics and use them effectively.

Learning how to create web quests was interesting to me. I learned what web quests were and how to create one for a classroom. Doing the web quest was one of my favorite assignments. I enjoyed creating my own web quest and found it a fun assignment. Now I know that educational web quests should include an introduction, task, process, evaluation, conclusion, and teacher page.

After learning about wikis, we were able to come together in groups and create our own as a team. Using wikis are good ways to share information or research that you would like others to know about. Doing the instructional strategy wiki was an assignment that allowed us to take what we knew and researched about, and put it into a wiki to share with others.

I was most interested in doing the teacher webpage e-portfolio. I enjoyed being able to share things about myself and some of my accomplishments in the classroom.  Being a teacher, I would have a fun time putting together my e-portfolio. I’m glad that I got the opportunity to learn about e-portfolios and how to create one myself.

Going into this technology classroom, I had no idea what I would be learning about. After being in this classroom I am more confident about the use of technology and how it can be used in the classroom. I was able to learn that it’s more to teaching than just doing it the traditional way. Taking this class made me see that there are many other creative ways to teach and to enhance your knowledge. What I liked the most about this class is that we did an assignment for every topic we discussed. This helped me because it was a way of showing that I was learning and getting something out of it as well. What I would improve for this class would be that we have a longer time to get assignments done because they were very time consuming.

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